After a couple of months studying new English things, it is time to revise a bit. If you remember the first units, we learnt how to introduce ourselves and how to talk about the things we like doing, hobbies, countries we would like to visit, etc. Well, now it's time We bring it to practice ant to real life.
You should prepear a short summary in which you will include:
-NAME, age, town where you live and where in the town.
-Members of your family who live with you (brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents...)
After we revise your texts in class, if you are brave, we will make a video where you explain all these things. Of course those who are brave enough to appear in the video will get extra points.
Come on, this will be fun!
Aquest és un petit blog on exposar curiositats i coses divertides sobre la llengua i educació 2.0
divendres, 28 de gener del 2011
dimarts, 25 de gener del 2011
3rd ESO - Writing activity for the exam (Unit 4)
QUESTION: Is it right to share files even when it is illegal? If your answer is yes, Is there any particular reason you could find to support this idea?
**Remember what we discussed today about the writing and the format of COMMENTS expected from you in here. And remember you have to choose the ANONYMOUS option to publish your comment, but REMEMBER TO INCLUDE YOUR INITIALS AT THE END OF YOUR COMMENTS so as I can see who actually participated.
You will have time until next TUESDAY Febr. 1st.
**Remember what we discussed today about the writing and the format of COMMENTS expected from you in here. And remember you have to choose the ANONYMOUS option to publish your comment, but REMEMBER TO INCLUDE YOUR INITIALS AT THE END OF YOUR COMMENTS so as I can see who actually participated.
You will have time until next TUESDAY Febr. 1st.
dijous, 20 de gener del 2011
As you know, this mounth we have been studying a unit related to money, rich people and charity. We tend to read lots of texts but we rarely stop to analise in depth the main ideas and elements of the text. Well, now its time for it. You must visit the following site here and with the tool you must create a map of ideas of the text. You can find an example of how it should be in the blog in prova 2. When you finish, you must publish a COMMENT your map of ideas in this blog as an ANONYMOUS user.
*You must create your own user for so as to get access to the tool.
*You must create your own user for so as to get access to the tool.
dimecres, 19 de gener del 2011
This activity is conceved to mix a traditional tool used in ELT with new technologies. The student, who is studying at the moment a unit related to natural fenomena, will be presented with an online activity. With the text of a song with gaps in it (the traditional FIll-in the-gaps listening) the student will find a videoclip on youtube (Katy Perry - Firework), and fill in the spaces in the text. Afterwards, and once the activity is corrected via BLOG - CLASS, they will be required to create a WORDLE with the words they had to guess.
After some reflexion, the students are expected to reach teh conclsion that the words belong to the semantic field of NATURE, or NATURAL FENOMENA. This name (of the semantic field) should be included in the WORDL.
dilluns, 17 de gener del 2011
Presentació del lloc. - Introduction
Vivim en un país petit i a la vegada molt gran. Les nostres illes, com a exponent del turisme dins d'Europa s'han convertit en un lloc on convergeixen cultures, llengües i móns. És per això, i perquè el món evoluciona molt ràpidament, que les llengües i la tecnologia són avui dia imprescindibles. És per això que és bo que a més d'estimar i aprendre la nostra llengua, aprenguem a fer servir altres llengües que ens obriran al món i ampliaran les perspectives de futur dels nostres alumnes. En aquest sentit, el blog és una eina perfecta perquè ofereix flexibilitat a l'alumne, i també accés des de qualsevol banda. El blog es converteix en un aliat per tal que els alumnes escriguin i llegeixin d'una manera més entretinguda que si ho fessin d'un simple llibre.
We are in a little country with lots of oportunities. Our Islands are a meltingpot of cultures, languages and worlds. In a never-stopping world, technology and language are capital. It's a good thing to take care of our origins and heritage at the same time we learn new languages to access the world. This fact will open a wide range of possibilities to our students. Thanks to the blogs our students will have a chance to read and write in a different way, instad of the traditional book.
Vivim en un país petit i a la vegada molt gran. Les nostres illes, com a exponent del turisme dins d'Europa s'han convertit en un lloc on convergeixen cultures, llengües i móns. És per això, i perquè el món evoluciona molt ràpidament, que les llengües i la tecnologia són avui dia imprescindibles. És per això que és bo que a més d'estimar i aprendre la nostra llengua, aprenguem a fer servir altres llengües que ens obriran al món i ampliaran les perspectives de futur dels nostres alumnes. En aquest sentit, el blog és una eina perfecta perquè ofereix flexibilitat a l'alumne, i també accés des de qualsevol banda. El blog es converteix en un aliat per tal que els alumnes escriguin i llegeixin d'una manera més entretinguda que si ho fessin d'un simple llibre.
We are in a little country with lots of oportunities. Our Islands are a meltingpot of cultures, languages and worlds. In a never-stopping world, technology and language are capital. It's a good thing to take care of our origins and heritage at the same time we learn new languages to access the world. This fact will open a wide range of possibilities to our students. Thanks to the blogs our students will have a chance to read and write in a different way, instad of the traditional book.
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