dimarts, 8 de febrer del 2011

Debate: Music and Technology (3rd ESO) Exercici 3

As you remember from the previous post, you were expected to give some opinion on the situation of music online and the lagality of sharing files. After receiving feedback on it, and getting some ideas in common, now its time for you to  do some debate on the matter.

Next day in class you will sit all in a circule and discuss, with the moderation of the teacher (that is, me) about what are your behaviour and costume in the use of internet, about what you think about sharing files online such as films, music, and why some of you consider it right to share them even if it goes agains the author's rights.

Since we are a small group, you are expected to participate at least once during the debate. The timing will depend on your comments and in any case it should be no shorter than 20 minutes. The moderator will contribute questions or comments to foster the conversation.

I hope you will come prepeared and ready to share your views. Go on! :)

2 comentaris:

  1. L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.

  2. Hi Albert!
    I'm Jessica. I'm also a teacher of English in secondary education, and I'm also taking the course about ITC.
    I want to congratulate you because I think that the way in which you apply the activities is really creative. There's no doubt that new technologies are great for teaching and learnig in many ways, but of course they have to be used in a creative way, something that is not as easy as it seems.
    The topic you chose for your debate is wonderful, no doubt it is really appealing. Good ideas lead to good results!
    It's a pitty that I didn't get in time to join a group with teachers of the same language for activity 4!

    Best regards, and keep these great ideas!
